Common Food Allergens

Several individuals in the world will have an allergic reaction to something. One of the more common is food allergies. Someone may be susceptible to virtually every kind of food out there or they could be affected by only one in particular.

When they eat a particular type of food the individual's immune system will believe that it is injuring the body and will work to combat it off. There is no clear explanation as to why the body does this though many health experts consider that it might be genetic. The most general food allergies are milk, shellfish, and peanut.

The problem with having this type of allergy is that the people are not allowed to eat it in any form. For different people just the slimmest touch of it or employing it in a small quantity in food dishes can give them a chemical reaction or push them into anaphylaxis. This is the most profound kind of reaction to any allergy that might induce them to stop breathing and can be deathly if not handled promptly.


This is one of the simplest foods to avert and to exchange for baking. Instead you can use water or juice. Certain foods that you have to deflect when you are not able to consume milk are particular brands of canned tuna, cheese, butter, and any food dish or food gadget that might have used or touched it. Analyse the labels of anything you buy to ensure that it does not utilise it in any form.


This is counted to be one of the more ordinary allergies Both children and adults who have this allergy need to avert all kinds of shellfish and not just one in particular. It is never wise to try out to see what will bear upon you and what will not. Other foods to avoid include; caponata (this is made with anchovies), Caesar salad (also anchovies), and surimi (imitation crabmeat).


Someone who is allergic to peanuts may also have problems with most other types of nuts so it is wise to avoid the artificial varieties. Other foods to stay away from include Arachis oil (also well-known as peanut oil), Chinese, Mexican, Vietnamese, African, Thai, and Indonesia food dishes, and food that may be sold through ice cream shops or bakeries, sunflower seeds, and any appliances that may have come into contact with it.

Air purification to reduce allergies

We are living in an atmosphere which is highly contaminateddue to numerous factors. The development of industries has caused severe air pollution as it releases huge amount of dangerous; fumes and gases. The waste from factories is discharged in form of smolder and gases, besides the smoke and dust given out by vehicles too add significantly to air pollution. Well, whatever may be the cause, you must be aware of the dangerous effects of inhaling contaminated air. While you inhale unhealthy and contaminated air, your body becomes the store house of dangerous ailments like cough, asthma, suffocation, breathlessness, allergies, respiratory tract diseases, and in acute cases, you may even suffer lung cancer if you are constantly exposed to the atmosphere where you have to breathe polluted air.

But there is a solution to every problem and the great solution to reduce the ill effects of inhaling polluted air is to use air filters. Air filters are a great way to decrease allergies, asthma etc and helps to prevent other respiratory diseases. There are a variety of air filters available in the market which are greatly advanced to filter even the smallest of microbes. The variety includes Ionic air purifiers, HEPA UV air purifier that uses picture catalytic effect to cleanse air or Hega air filters etc. These air filters have proved to be quite effective to remove air pollutants like bacteria, mold, viruses and organic pollutants to a significant amount. Even the unbearable odors from the gases that are there in the air is effectively decreased by these contemporary air filters.

The air purifiers use modern equipmemt to filter the air that is safe enough to breathe and there by decreasing the allergies to a great degree. The mixture of two modern technologies that is photochemistry and photoplasma, helps to cleanse air and hence provide excellent methods to filter contaminated air. UV light helps to break down the organic contaminates in smaller particles which become simple to filter for example, hair, dust particles, dander and other microbes like bacteria, virus or mold etc. The dangerous organic molecules are destroyed in the air purification process giving you a purer and safer air to breathe.

Majority of the problems related to respiratory tract are just due to allergies that we are unable to control. Allergies can be restricted by living in a cleaner and pollution free environment. Allergies are usually how our body reacts to a particular atmosphere or food that we eat and almost all the people in the globe suffer from some or the other type of allergy.Reactions can affect externally on our skin in form of rashes or dryness, and internally on our respiration. The main cause of common cough, cold or even asthma is due to allergy and this is all due to pollutants present in air. Some people are allergic to particular odor, or some may respond due to some dangerous smolder and gases in air or others may simply feel sick due to unsafe bacteria and virus in air, thus it is very important to filter the air around us. So, in order to live better and allergy free life, it is most excellent to use air purification system to decrease your allergies.

Methods of Allergy Testing your Doctor Might Recommend

If you think that you may have an allergy, but you are uncertain of the specific allergen causing this allergic reaction, your doctor may suggests a variety of allergy testing to diagnose your condition. The different types of allergy tests identify a variety of allergens.

Since many tests work better than others depending on your specific allergy, it is recommended that you make sure you are familiar with the various kinds of allergy tests prior to making an appointment with your doctor. The basic tests fall into three areas: Scratch tests, elimination tests, and blood tests.

Scratch Tests

The scratch tests are the most common of the allergy tests that are done. This test consists of placing a small amount of the suspected allergen onto the surface of the patient's skin, and then making a scratch or prick to allow the substance to penetrate the skin. The site is then observed closely for indication of an allergic reaction.

Swelling, redness, or itching are signs that an allergic reaction has occurred. A result can often be detected in as little as twenty minutes using this type of testing. The other advantage to this kind of test is that many different allergens can be tested together. This makes this method especially useful if the allergen is unknown, airborne, or a food allergy.

Elimination Diets

If a food allergy is suspected, the elimination diet may be performed. A variety of foods that are potential allergens are eliminated form the diet for several weeks. Each food is then gradually added back to the person's diet, with attention being mad to see which of the selections of food is causing the allergy symptoms to return.

This method of allergy testing works best with mild allergic reactions. However, it can pose a potential danger to patients who have severe, anaphylactic allergies. If there is a severe allergy suspected, a third method of allergy testing is preferred to ensure the safety of the patient. Thus, a life-threatening substance is not placed into the system of the allergy sufferer.

Blood Tests

The last type of allergy testing is the blood test, commonly called the RAST test. This is performed in the laboratory and uses blood that has been drawn for the patient. The blood is examined for presence of immunoglobulin antibodies. These will indicate if the body is producing an allergic reaction. Elevated levels of IGE's can tell your doctor if you are allergic to certain types of allergens. This method is not always accurate or precise as are the other methods. Should your doctor decide to have allergy testing done, he will examine your family medical history and tell you when to stop your medications.

Fresh air

Today many scientists have come to conclusion that clean air leads to longevity. This fact is confirmed also by long-livers. Hong Kong doctors also keep to this version; they have noticed that if city air is cleaner, than the citizens will live longer. Air is necessary for a life, in fact without it there will be no life on the Earth. Each person consumes by lungs each day from 15 up to 25 kg, this parameter increases in 6-8 times during various physical activities. We breathe air many times as large, than food and water put together. The surface of lungs absorbs together with air all harmful substances containing in it which put an irreparable harm to health. We can see and somehow control that we eat and drink every day, but we usually don't pay attention to air. So practically we can't control air. Air in our apartments contains various infections: bacterial, virus. It is possible to find out allergens in it such as flower pollen, skin pells, wool of pets and dust mites. The furniture, wall-papers and artificial materials negatively affect air. Since 2000 Eleline company has engaged in development of new technologies for clearing polluted air which is in the nick of time.

During millions years of life on the Earth the mankind has got used to clean and fresh air filled with the breath of flowers and a smell of forest. But those times when people breathed fresh and clean air have remained behind. All citizens cannot refuse convenience and move in villages more close to the nature. Rare and short walk cannot provide us with fresh air for a long time.

Scientists who study duration of human life are assured that it should be 150 years and more. However, today the forecast is not consolatory, in Russia on the average women live 73 years and man live 60 years. Every year the ecology becomes worse, it influences people health and their longevity. Why conclusions of scientists and data of statistics are so differ? It is difficult to answer this question. In fact recently people lived and did not think about danger which waits us in future. Only last years such question appears, what dangerous factors influence our health, hurt it? How mahy of us begin to pay attention to what we breathe? What water we drink also what exactly we eat? Recently Russian company Eleline on a par with other firms participates in development of projects for clearing air.

The British scientists have come to conclusion that in 50-80 % cases of allergic and chronic diseases polluted air is a source of diseases, as it promotes the beginning of various diseases. We can't change ecological conditions surrounding us, but everyone can do it in the apartment and office. First of all it is necessary to air rooms as air in closed space is at 5-10 time more harmful, than in the street. Besides in damp location often appears mold. A mold is a fungus which has harmful endospores, they get in air and cause an allergy or even more dangerous diseases, for example, defeat of lungs. If you take cautious it is possible to secure yourself and your family. For example, buying an apartment pay special attention in what place it is located, whether there are nearby factories or industrial factories, in fact you should live all your life in this apartment and breathe unhealthy air. Various developments in the field of clearing air are actively conducted during last decade. Eleline Company also participates in the Russian development of this direction.

2. How is it possible to survive in modern conditions of our houses?

Today the life in our apartments certainly convenience but as scientists approve is not safe. How is it possible to avoid danger trapping us? Different Russian companies including Eleline are engaged in the development in the field of clearing air.

Pollution sources of air are dust and smoke, besides harmful products which are exhaled during gas burning, heaters and even conditions and surrounding. All these harmful factors are collected in rooms and poison air which we daily breathe. All these harmful effects on our organism can cause irritation of eyes, various respiratory infections which in turn can pass into bronchitis. According to doctors a long living in a dusty premise often causes various diseases, even lung cancer. Do not forget to air rooms and to do wet cleaning. Besides it is important to fix cooker hood above gas stove. Since 2000 Eleline company has run development of the Russian modern types of air cleaners.

Pollution sources of air are some things containing practically in any house. They are solvents and air deodorant, paints and aerosols and many other things. Evaporation of all these harmful vapors contains in air which harmful affect our health, causing a headache, eye irritation and quite often cold in the nose. Air pollution by organic substances negatively affects the central nervous system and can cause kidney disease and liver disease. Chemicals containing in household chemical products, can cause an allergy and oncological diseases. One of the basic methods to struggle against harmful chemistry is correct using and storage of all household chemical products. It is better to store it on a balcony or in other well aired premise. If all these necessary preparations are stored in the house then pack them in a separate polyethylene package and fasten tight. You can secure yourself and members of your family against harmful influences only observing all rules of storage; of course they are unsafe, but necessary in daily use: cleaning and washing-up liquids, washing powder, etc.

One more pollution sources of air in our houses and apartments are reconstituted particle boards from which is made furniture and some kinds of fabric besides fitted carpet. Formaldehyde containing in them exhales harmful vapors in air which we daily consume up to 15-25 kg. Formaldehyde is carcinogen. Methods of struggle against it and other harmful evaporations which are hazardous to health consist in keeping average temperature conditions and you should often air rooms.

Furthermore damp wet walls and ceilings, carpets and furniture, being in a damp wet premise play greater role in pollution of our air.

Damp and at the same time warm places contain dangerous microorganisms. Many of them threaten our health. Frequently they cause respiratory diseases. One of the main methods to struggle against them is effective drying of walls, floors and ceilings, and all things which are in the rooms. Do not forget to air rooms, thus, providing access for fresh air. Though it is impossible to consider it fresh, but nevertheless it is much better than that air which we breathe in the house. New development of Eleline can clear air in the premise which is intended for clearing polluted air.