allergy relief

Allergies are the result of a person's body having hypersensitivity which could be to something that is drunk, ate, or applied to the body, even something in the air around us. The substance or condition that causes the allergy is called the allergen and there is no limit to what can be an allergen as everyone reacts differently to the world around us. BTW, i found a site about skin rugs in spanish : alfombras piel.

The vast majority of allergens that cause allergies in people are those found in the foods we eat in particular, peanuts and other members of the nut family. This allergic reaction to food extends even further with everyday products such as soy, rice and milk also causing problems but these are just the better known substances.

While it isn't a huge number, a few individuals even have an allergy to chocolate and other cocoa based foods but food allergies can cause problems with the respiratory, digestive and immune system very soon after consumption. Of course seafood also causes problems with some people in particular crustaceans so they should be avoided but it is surprising how many people that know they have a an allergy to something continue to take the risk as they enjoy the food so much.

Food allergies often cause reactions which are seen initially as redness, itchy areas of skin and other irritations often quite common to the family of citrus fruits. It is peanut allergies which generally cause the most concern as the reaction to them, even a simple case of contact can be extremely serious and in some cases cause death.

Although flowers are beautiful, even these can prove harmful to those individuals susceptible to their pollen, causing respiratory problems and even damage to the airways. Getting rid of plants with flowers around that individual might also help to a great extent but of course this is only if the flowers have been detected as the actual cause of the allergy.

Drugs too can cause problems and every packet and wrapper comes with a list of problems that should be looked out for but the often hardest to spot are those that are hidden internally. As far as drugs are concerned it is normally the ingredient sulfur that causes the allergic reaction so this must be considered before and further drugs are given.

Although a reaction to nickel is not unusual to most people, a very small number of individuals even have an allergic skin reaction to silver and gold. Individuals reacting to metals are liable to break into hives or the skin starts itching along with swelling in that area, turning red or purple in the area coming in contact with the metal is another common reaction.

If you know you may have an allergy, avoiding, the substances is the first course of action but allergies can change or become more pronounced so regular allergy testing should be carried out as a form of preventative measure.

Dogs And sAllergies - The Facts

If your dog is scratching himself all of the time, the culprit may be allergies. Just like humans have allergies that cause them to feel itchy, so do dogs. Dog allergies are a most likely cause if your dog is itching all year long and does not have fleas. There are other causes as to what causes an allergic reaction in your dog:

Dog Food

People are often allergic to some type of food. Dogs can also have food allergies, although this is the lease likely explanation when it comes to why a dog has allergies. One product in foods that can cause a reaction in dogs is soy. If you suspect that food allergies are the culprit, then eliminate dog foods with soy.

Try another type of dog food that has a different source of protein. Try this for a period of six weeks to see if there is any difference in the itching.


If you live in a humid climate and have an unventilated kitchen and bathroom, you may have mold spores in the house. Mold spores can cause a dog to itch. If the basement gets flooded, you can get black mold that can make everyone in the house very sick, including pets. There are many different types of mold that can grow in the house. You should try to avoid having mold in the house by keeping the humidity at a low level, fixing any leaks and using exhaust fans in the kitchen and the bathroom. Be sure to clean out dust and mildew in the bathrooms and other areas of the house.

Other Animals

Do you have a cat? Your dog may be allergic to your cat. Just as many people are allergic to cats, so are dogs. This is especially true if the cat is male and long haired. If you find that your dog is allergic to the cat and has reactions around her, you can use products that are made for cat allergies to bathe the cat on a regular basis. Cats do not like getting bathed, but this routine can provide relief not only for your dog, but others in the house as well.

Could It Be You?

If could be you! Yes, our skin flakes off and is an allergen. A great deal of dogs are allergic to humans. If this is the case, you can see if your vet will give your dog canine allergy shots. This can help him build up an immunity to your allergens.

If your dog is scratching and itching all of the time and the culprit is not fleas or dust mites, it may be you, other animals in the house, mold or his food. You should make sure that there are no underlying problems such as mites before you start to treat your dog for allergies. As is the case with humans, many dogs will outgrow their initial allergic reaction once they have been exposed to it repeatedly. Problems such as mold, however, should be addressed immediately, not only for the safety of your dog, but also for the safety of the family.

Living With Allergies - A 5-Step Relief Plan For Allergies

If you suffer from allergies, whether they are seasonal or last all year round, chances are you've tried one or more things that you thought would be effective. But if you're reading this article, chances are you've not found the combination that spells relief for you. For some relief may mean staying indoors and waiting for the allergen producing season to be over. But what a shame that is since there are an increasing number of things that can be done to help ease symptoms and eliminate the triggers. The following five steps will bring you closer to relief from your allergies and allow you to look forward to the warm days ahead. 1. Modify Your Diet--Surprisingly many people don't even consider the idea that changing what you eat and drink can make any difference to the symptoms of allergies. But when you stop to think about it - it makes perfect sense. Your body suffers from the symptoms of an allergy because of the way in which it tries to defend itself against the allergens it perceives to be a high threat.

But the food and drink you eat is what your body uses to create its defenses in the first place. The best thing to do is to try to increase the amount of antioxidants which you eat and drink when your symptoms increase. One of the best ways of achieving this is to drink green tea, which is rich in antioxidants. Almost all teas are good for this, but green tea has the highest quantity, and it has been shown that sipping green tea throughout the day can provide real allergy relief. Increase fruits (especially blueberries) and vegetables such as red cabbage and spinach. You might also find that pinto beans, pecans, walnuts and cinnamon also provide relief. 2. Use Medication--Today there is a wealth of over the counter medication available to keep your symptoms under control. These cover most of the common allergies such as hay fever and pet allergies, and offer relief from most of the usual symptoms like runny noses, sneezing, watery eyes, and itchy skin. If the problem is severe see an allergist who can prescribe medications that will work. 3. Seek Out Alternatives to Medication--Not everyone likes to take medications, and there are alternatives which have been proven to achieve incredible things for many people. One such example is acupuncture which has proven to be very successful for many people and has achieved such mainstream status these days that in many cases health insurance companies are willing to cover the costs in order to help provide allergy relief. The results from these treatments can last a good deal longer, and may consider it to be much healthier overall. 4. Plan With the Weather Forecast in Mind--Many modern weather forecasts will provide information on pollen levels. Although not everyone who has an allergy suffers when pollen is in the air, a vast proportion do, and with proper planning can be avoided.

If the pollen levels are high choose indoor activities for the day. Otherwise, many people wear a mask during high pollen count days, and restricting outdoor time to the shops to later in the day. 5. Remove Airborne Triggers From Your Home--Allergy relief should start at home, and for many people this means using a HEPA vacuum cleaner to remove dust rather than sending it airborne again.

Also, using a high efficiency particle arresting (abbreviated as HEPA) air purifier to clean the air is recommended by allergists as a proactive, and non-invasive way to eliminate the triggers that cause the problem, thereby reducing the need to medicate once the symptoms have occurred.