Ointments and lotions can actually be very soothing which is important for people suffering from eczema; however most lotions and ointments sold on the

Another way to moisturize the skin is by using coconut oil. Vitamin E can also applied to the skin during the day and it is available in cream forms in natural food stores.Be sure when you read the ingredients for moisturizers that they don't contain lanolin or alcohol in case you may be allergic to those ingredients. The eczema skin benefits best when moisturizing is done right after a shower or bath. Remember to not bathe or shower in very hot water due to it's drying factor. Also treat the skin gently and do not use anything abrasive on it such as harsh loofah sponges or wash cloths.
Since eczema is triggered by external factors, one of the best ways to treat it is to avoid what those external factors are. An allergist can usually administer tests that will determine what allergies might cause the inflammation. When the problem isn't allergies a person usually has a good idea about what it is that agitates their skin. Changing one's diet can also help since having more fruits and vegetables in the body keep it more alkalinic and healthy. A great natural cure for eczema after the rash has started is to take an oatmeal bath to soothe and heal the rash. There are many other natural remedies that can be found in local health food stores as well as vitamin centers. Keep a list of what you eat to see what triggers may cause the eczema redness.
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